
In Virtual Play, Sex Harassment Is All Too Real

NYtimes: When Miranda Pakozdi entered the Cross Assault video game tournament this year, she knew she had a slim chance of winning the $25,000 prize. But she was ready to compete, and promised fans watching online that she would train just as hard as, if not harder than, anyone else.

aDDicteD4445d ago

that was really inappropriate, good thing he apologized after but added the word "if" which really takes out the sincere apology

sjaakiejj4444d ago

The stupid thing about this whole thing is that the article, and indeed Ms. Sarkeesian and others, continues on to blame the gaming industry for the behaviour of gamers, and tell the game developers that they have to change.

The behaviour isn't caused by games - it's caused by an overall lack of compassion in today's society. Kids have too much power over their parents, and feel entitled to control and insult anyone they want. This is a failure on the parent's part, and not the responsibility of the gaming industry (in fact, I'd be surprised if there's anything they as an industry can do about it).


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