
Parent gets back at school official with porn site

Azcentral: A disgruntled Higley parent who wanted to get back at his son's assistant principal has been convicted of two felonies after starting a fake profile on a pornographic website under the assistant principal's name.

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iSpy4520d ago (Edited 4520d ago )

What an idea to take revenge???????

fatstarr4519d ago

dam thats massive jail time

good concept but just poorly executed

as a student that happens all the time when they confiscate stuff and it never gets found.
when i had my phone and the metal detectors went off and they said Hand it over i would just skip school.

Lord_Sloth4519d ago

I think Probation would be more suitable for this...

Human Analog4518d ago

What an idiot. Nice lesson to teach you son. It is parents like that, that we have children turning into adults who have no social value.

Speed-Racer4518d ago

Indeed. I think the parent was completely wrong. Sometimes the school system does wrong things but this asst. principal here didn't seem to do anything wrong. I worked in a school myself for some years and I saw the same thing. Rather than the kids working with the teachers on correcting behavioural problems, they defend the children even when we see them clearly doing something wrong. Terrible really.


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