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Footage Released of China Jade Rabbit Moon Landing


Chinese state television releases video of the Chang'e-3 space probe crash landing on the moon

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Crazay3821d ago

awesome shots. Would love to see a man walking on the moon in HD now. I really want to see someone up there.

Sarick3819d ago

If you the six words below.

Images for chinese lunar rover exhibit

You can see a large mushroom cloud on the planet behind the lander. I don't know if all those images from multiple exhibit sources are faked but it makes me wonder.

Can't trust anything on the internet these days.

rockbottom30763820d ago

Fake! that's on a movie studio lot.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney3819d ago

So I have heard ur blood could not circulate properly in space..

Bonerboy3820d ago

Good ol China, finally made it.... but still 40+ years behind.

windblowsagain3820d ago

It was probably made clear to the chinese, do not try and land in the same place as the US. Because nothing is there. 60's moon landings were fake.

thorstein3820d ago (Edited 3820d ago )

How does it feel to be that stupid? You can see where we landed and the objects we left behind on the moon with a real good telescope.

Why is it that you can't avail yourself of this? Or, do you believe all amateur astronomers are in on this big hoax to fool you?

Were you a home school dropout?

Bonerboy3820d ago (Edited 3820d ago )

@ windbagagain,
Yes yes, ok....You know the kind of people I just cant fucking stand? Delusional, know-it-all, loser, conspiracy theorists like yourself.

mp12893820d ago (Edited 3820d ago )

I don't know if you are American,but i noticed many people outside the US perceive Americans as dumb and also believe you.

Irony is most well-known conspiracies, including this one, were invented by some dumb American.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney3819d ago

40 years behind Like our internet.

SilentNegotiator3820d ago

What's left to discover on the moon with a tiny probe?

Bonerboy3820d ago

Ask "windblowsagain" he has undoubtedly read many highly acclaimed pieces of literature on this very subject.

SilentNegotiator3819d ago (Edited 3819d ago )

You'd think that China would have faked a mission to the moon years ago if they were going to fake it.

MajorGecko3819d ago

its clear China is planning to mass produce moonbases

crs3533819d ago

Thats what I had in mind also.


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