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Top 10 Computer Tricks Every Geek Should Know

Lifehacker: The geeks are special. They want to go above and beyond, to explore every nook and cranny of their system and make everything easier. Outlined in this article are ten ways to do just that.

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In2iti0n4050d ago

I think everyone should know when NOT to install an antivirus program. People should just realize that two antiviruses aren't better than one.

SynGamer4046d ago

I can't tell you how many times family members have installed AVG, and then installed MSE...sigh.


Windows Copilot gets its artificial tendrils deeper into the OS settings in a new beta update

And, for once, some of what it can do looks genuinely useful.


Here's how WhatsApp users can make group video and voice calls on desktop

The blog post reads, “We’re introducing a new WhatsApp app for Windows that loads faster and is built with an interface similar to the app's mobile version.”

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AMD formally responds to a rare driver flaw that may corrupt Windows installations

Since the middle of February, customers of AMD graphics cards have been reporting situations in which Windows installations were entirely bricked after installing new drivers.

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