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Time Travel to the Future Is Real

Huffington Post: Few subjects in science evoke more emotion than time travel. Humankind's fascination with time travel dates back thousands of years. Although, there is no consensus recognizing which written work was the first to discuss time travel, many scholars argue that the Mahabharata, from Hindu mythology, is the first, dating between 700 BCE (Before the Common/Current/Christian Era) to 300 CE (Common/Current/Christian Era). The Mahabharata, which is one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India, relates the story of King Revaita, who travels to heaven to meet the deity Brahma. When King Revaita returns to Earth, he is shocked to learn that many ages have passed. In today's science, we would say that King Revaita experienced "time dilation," which I will discuss in detail below.

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fatstarr4084d ago

I feel like I was just trolled.

look at me im time traveling woo


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Time Travel :Two ways to Fulfill your Doctor Who Fantasies

The world has been wondering if Time Travel is possible since decades now. Read on to find out the different ways of travelling in time

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Cobra9512171d ago

Time travel is such a good premise for fiction. It runs through entertaining what-if's that are impossible in reality. There, I said it. Impossible. I'm convinced that time, while a dimension, is not a medium along which we may choose to "move" arbitrarily. It is more a construct, a concept absolutely required for understanding what's happening around us, but not in itself much more real than other concepts, like beauty.


Travel Through A Wormhole - A Possibility?

The term wormhole became popular and well-known, after the release of the movie Interstellar. The movie made the viewers research and discuss about black holes, the dimensions of nature and space travel. While there had been constructive thoughts on this topic, researchers worldwide have been studying the laws of physics behind intergalactic space travel. But, before we proceed to that, let’s see about the different types of space-time phenomenon.

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thorstein2585d ago

"The term wormhole became popular and well-known, after the release of the movie Interstellar. " it didn't. It was already popular and well known and well used for decades beforehand.

Speed-Racer2584d ago

Clearly they haven't seen Contact 😂

2584d ago
pressjudge2585d ago

I actually think someone is experimenting with worm hols but keep it a secret

DillyDilly2583d ago

The term wormhole became popular and well-known, after the release of the movie Interstellar

I guess this author does not watch a lot of Science Fiction

Princess_Pilfer2583d ago

No, it's not a possibility, at least not based on what I think we know. A cursory google search will turn up a couple different people explaining that the amount of energy necessary to maintain such a thing, even if it was possible in the first place, would be absurd in the extreme, and even if it could be maintained the act of traveling through it would probably be fatal.

Also, so far as I know, scientists haven't actually created a fluid with negative mass, and the articles claiming they have are written by people who don't know WTF they're talking about and/or didn't bother to check.

Also, if you're gonna write a "science" article, the very least you could do is cite sources for the things your saying.

KingPin2583d ago

i agree with checking sources but if i stated a bunch of sci-fi movies/novels/tv series, would you take me as an author serious?

P.S - im not the author im just asking a hypothetical question. :)