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The OS:Moderate your data and iPhone 5 Camera vs Competition

Noble Press: It is Demo-tober here at the OS, what does that mean? This means that we will be demoing and showcasing features of the devices that you own or are considering picking up. Aaron Rowe shows Android users how to moderate your data on Android Ice Cream Sandwich. We catch a look at the up coming Galaxy Note II on Sprint and get some news about up coming Windows Phone 8 devices.
I go hands on with an iPhone 5 to test out its camera. We took the iPhone out to test it against a HTC One X in low light settings and a Samsung Galaxy SIII in daylight. Personally I think that the iPhone beats out the HTC One X. On the SGSII side I am going to have to go undecided. In testing out side of this shoot he iPhone 5 managed to pull some macro shots that the SGSIII struggled to take. It really just comes down to what you use your phone to take images of...

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Windows Copilot gets its artificial tendrils deeper into the OS settings in a new beta update

And, for once, some of what it can do looks genuinely useful.

39d ago

Unveiling Android's Game-Changer: The Long-Awaited Battery Health Monitor – Report

Google Reportedly Set to Launch Tool Revealing Battery Degradation Over Time for Phones and Tablets, Says Android Authority.

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Here's how you can disable NameDrop on your iPhone and Apple Watch

Introduced in iOS 17.1 and watchOS 10.1, NameDrop is a novel feature that facilitates the sharing of contact information between nearby iPhones and Apple Watches by holding them together.

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