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10 amazing facts about Kepler-452b (Earth 2.0)

TechU4ria has listed 10 amazing facts about Kepler-452b also known as Earth 2.0.

From plant life to the gravity of Kepler-452b TechU4ria discusses each of the 10 facts about our cousin planet.

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WitWolfy3184d ago (Edited 3184d ago )

Lets take the theory of relativity into consideration here.. For all we know this planet is already populated with its own intelligent life and the pic we're seeing now when they were still in the stone age.

Hell for all we know they probably also used their awesome telescopes just like us looking for new planets too thanks to polution. Looking at Earth right now thinking "Gee weez, look its untouched!"

"Look it even has dinosaurs!!!"

LightofDarkness3184d ago (Edited 3184d ago )

Based on what we can gather, this planet and its sun are quite a bit older than the earth, and the sun has entered a phase of expansion as it transforms from youthful yellow into an old, red giant. This would explain why the planet is mostly rock covered, as the oceans have likely evaporated due to the intense heat. Thus, whatever civilization may have developed there is either long dead or long gone.

Not to mention it's only 1400 light years away. I doubt the planet has changed to teeming with life from rocky, volcanic hell in 1400 years, erasing most outward signs of life.

mushroomwig3184d ago

'and the pic we're seeing now when they were still in the stone age.'

There are no pictures of the planet, it's 1400 light years away. Everything you've seen about this planet is an artists impression of what it could possibly look like.

You can't exactly just a telescope at something thousands of light years away and expect to see it, that's not how kepler works.

WitWolfy3183d ago

I know that! I'm just saying that as an example. My point is that we "discover" new planets all the time but never take the theory of relativity into consideration.

thorstein3183d ago

" Kepler-452b and its planets are much older than Earth and our Sun. The star has been burning for an estimated 6.2 billion years; for perspective, the first humans appeared just 2.5 million years ago! This gives scientists a unique opportunity to study our own world. If conditions on Kepler-452b are indeed as similar to ours as they seem, then we can get a glimpse into our likely future and see how our star and our planet will behave."

I believe Kepler 452b is the planet.


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