
Facebook ‘glitch’ that deleted the Philando Castile shooting vid: It was the police – sources

The deadly shooting of 32-year-old Philando Castile by a cop during a routine traffic stop in Minnesota on Wednesday just got murkier.

Multiple sources have told The Register that police removed video footage of Castile's death from Facebook, potentially tampering with evidence.

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-Mezzo-2847d ago

This is extremely illegal, i hope proper action is taken, but don't expect much seeing how it's Police itself tampering the evidence.

Speed-Racer2846d ago

Sad sad sad. Hoping that the authorities jail all involved in his murder and the cover up of the truth.

PizzaSteve2846d ago

What a shame an innocent life taken all because of a scared cop. A black man can do everything right to a cops commands and still get shot dead. I hate when a cop shoot 1st and then say don't move after the fact. Like duh how can he move when you loaded 4 bullets in him. May he rip.


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