
10 best free product key finders

TechRadar - Reinstalling Windows is always a hassle, but if you've lost a few product keys then it could become a real nightmare. Are they on a CD case, a manual, in an old email somewhere? You might not be able to get your system working properly again until you can track them down.

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Speed-Racer4402d ago

Am I the only one who thought this was a top 10 list of product keygen programs based on the title? lolol

jessupj4402d ago

Nope, you're not the only one.

Though it was too good to be true.

extermin8or4402d ago (Edited 4402d ago )

nope, I thought that too :p
(Knowing about this BEFORE I reinstalled windows would have been useful....)

thorstein4401d ago

Maybe, I read the headline and I immediately thought Magical Jelly Bean finder because I used that to move my windows office from my old laptop to my new one fairly recently.

hiredhelp4402d ago

Glad i dont heed key for mine.

Speed-Racer4402d ago

*trolling alert*

You might need a dictionary though.

hiredhelp4402d ago (Edited 4402d ago )

Dam ipad Need.. And a dictionary would not help me one bit.

ZoyosJD4402d ago

Occasionally these programs will come up with the key for your games too. Pretty useful if the DRM screwed you over.


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