
Big Asteroid 2011 AG5 Could Pose Threat to Earth in 2040

Space: "Scientists are keeping a close eye on a big asteroid that may pose an impact threat to Earth in a few decades.

The space rock, which is called 2011 AG5, is about 460 feet (140 meters) wide. It may come close enough to Earth in 2040 that some researchers are calling for a discussion about how to deflect it."

C_Menz4476d ago

It is always an eye opener when you think that there are all of these asteroids zipping around(a lot that we don't know of yet) and there is the potential for one to just hit the Earth one day.

Wouldn't be much we could do about it now, hopefully the right amount of importance is placed on developing counter-measures before we actually need them.


New Evidence Suggests A Possible Ninth Planet In The Solar System

We all know of the controversy and subsequent removal of Pluto from its status as the ninth planet in the solar system owing to it being one of the Kuiper belt objects. With time, the world has gotten comfortable with the idea of eight planets with the concept being popularized and imprinted in the minds …

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Does the Moon Rotate?

With all the talk of lunar travel, Space.com looks at some of the base facts of the Earth's moon.

Cobra9512416d ago

Yes--precisely one rotation per Earth orbit, or about 28 Earth days per lunar day, and per lunar "year".

According to the story, it's about 27.3 Earth days.


Dazzling 'Museum of the Moon' Exhibit Opens Today in NYC

A new touring art display featuring a gigantic, glowing model of the moon has come to New York City.