
Padvance: Bjork Biophilia Review

This curious iOS app combines gaming elements with Bjork's latest music. Padvance's Devin Wilson writes, "Creative people in both musical and interactive disciplines should take note of this app. Regardless of the artistic qualities of Biophilia, this form of media could also be a boon to the business side of making music, which hasn’t been in a particularly healthy state since the rise of file-sharing. Biophilia is a revolutionary product that definitely deserves a look from fans of Björk's music and people who are generally interested in innovative digital media."

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toaster4594d ago

Interesting app. I would like to see more of these types of interactive experiences on more devices, especially Android.

rpad4594d ago

What artists would you like to see? I think a Steely Dan interactive music app would be hilarious. Radiohead might be a better choice though....

toaster4594d ago

The way I see it is that electronic music is the best match for this kind of app. I was thinking like The Glitch Mob or Daft Punk, some group that is relatively well known so people will easily find a connection and not just experience new music but enhance their interpretation of a song they know. Rock would also work well. Radiohead and White Stripes come to mind.

spall034594d ago

I think Brian Eno made an app like this a while ago. Daft Punk is a great idea... surprised Trent Reznor hasn't done one yet, seems like it would be right up his alley

devwil4586d ago

Brian Eno has made interactive music apps, but not to supplement a regular album, I don't think.


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