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Apple Employees May Have Illegally Impersonated Police Officers Looking For iPhone 5 Prototype

Cultofmac - "This one’s nuts. Remember how there were no police reports about the missing iPhone 5 prototype, even though CNet reported that police offices had actually searched a man’s house looking for it? The guy whose home was searched in search of that lost iPhone 5 prototype says the officials weren’t actually police officers… they were Apple employees impersonating them."

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AuToFiRE4654d ago

knowing how apple operates, i wouldnt doubt it, they pretend to be above the law

f7897904653d ago

If that's true lawyers are going to be busting into that house trying to get the people to sue. They love the smell of money.


As a "just because I can" project, engineer builds the first Android phone with a Lightning port

As a "just because I can" project, engineer builds the first Android phone with a Lightning port. Since the iPhone 5, the Lightning interface has been a

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Apple says you should really update your iPhone 5

iPhone 5 users who haven't updated to the current version of iOS will lose a bunch of important features if they don't update.

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Still using an iPhone 5? We've got some bad news

RIP iPhone 5. It's been a good run.

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franwex2607d ago

I still use my iPhone 4. It's my alarm clock and sometimes I watch youtube on the mobile browser late at night.