
Twitter To Buy TweetDeck For $40 Million – $50 Million

TechCrunch: "Twitter has acquired TweetDeck, we’ve heard from a source with knowledge of the deal, and the transaction will be announced in the next few days. The $40 million – $50 million purchase price includes both cash and Twitter stock, says our source."

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Speed-Racer4778d ago

If you can't compete with them, BUY them

KingLizzle4778d ago (Edited 4778d ago )

That certainly seems to be Twitter's mantra. Pity, as it's going to kill off innovation amongst Twitter clients. I'm not sure what they'll do with the Tweetdeck iPhone client seeing as they bought and used Tweetie last year.

Speed-Racer4778d ago

Integrate it maybe. Ive been lazy and stuck with Twitter for iPhone and Twitterrific.

KingLizzle4778d ago

Maybe. I use Twitter for iPhone but have tried the new TweetDeck 2.0 which has handy features. Main one is being able to set up a column showing tweets only from your favourite people. If they could integrate that it would be good. Otherwise TweetDeck is pretty meh - doesn't offer notifications.

fatstarr4778d ago

the best thing i can see is for them to integrate it to make it better. but technically twitter is their baby and its like a stranger bought their baby clothes. its up to the parents to think what they want to do with it.

michass84778d ago

they probably prefer the $50 Million :)

Sahil4777d ago

You know they're going to kill it off. All they want is their one Twitter app. It's BS. I guess it's time for a "new" twitter like social network.

Speed-Racer4777d ago

Twitter would make 0 dollars and 0 cents if everyone used their API with no actual traffic coming to Twitter.com itself. Even though Twitter is still largely supported by investment firms, who can blame them for trying to bring their consumers to one spot. Facebook does it, so why can't Twitter?

Sahil4776d ago

Well.. I don't use Tweetdeck, but i hope they keep it around and stop trying to kill off 3rd party apps. I hate the official Twitter app :)


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446d ago