
First Leaked Windows 8 Screens and Details

The first legitimate leaked images of Windows 8 have hit the web, giving us a sneak peak of what’s to come.

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Speed-Racer4836d ago

Hmmm, seems the focus is not on design but on making it more platform friendly, especially for the touch devices. The new things these days are cellphones and tablets, not PCs, so that's their new direction I guess.

michass84835d ago

Better Live platform integration sounds interesting...

joeorc4834d ago

it looks to be a real winner with Arm support, Im very happy Microsoft is going to support the Arm core fully now along side x86. cannot wait to get my hands on it.


Microsoft OneDrive Is Ditching Windows 7, 8, and 8.1

The cloud storage platform will drop support for older versions of Windows in early 2022.


Former Windows chief reveals Microsoft’s reaction to the iPad

Microsoft responded with Windows 8 and its Surface RT tablet.

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Microsoft’s Panos Panay discusses the past and future of Surface

In the earliest days of the Surface, it was hard to shake the notion that the line was something of a reference design for Windows 8.

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