
DuoTen TWS-880Pro Wireless Bluetooth Earbuds review - ChristCenteredGamer

CCG writes - "With many cellphones no longer including what should remain as basic required functionality, a headphone jack, Bluetooth headphones are becoming the 'new normal' for many. And besides that, they are quite convenient for those with an active lifestyle; let's face it - jogging, riding a bike, or mowing the lawn is a lot easier without wires. As a result, the demand for affordable, high-quality wireless Bluetooth earbuds remains high. And since most of us aren't ready to drop $200+ for some of the name brand ones out there, I'm really glad companies like DuoTen have stepped up to fill in the gap."

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TGG_overlord1412d ago

It's one of the better one's for sure.

ccgr1411d ago

Not really, had to return one set and contemplating on doing the same for the replacement pair.


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