
Here's When The Universe Will Come To An End

All things come to an end, good or bad. Will the Universe? The answer is yes and it will be sooner than you think, so read on!

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Psychotica2171d ago

Sure, science can't even tell us what the weather will be a few days from now with good accuracy...

Kostche2171d ago

lmao.... i doubt it, especially when we live in an enclosed eco system, but thanks science keep pushing the lie

FlyingFoxy2171d ago

That guy Michio Kaku thinks we'll have a microwave device so powerful that it will create a pathway to another universe, at least that's what he stated on the radio show Science Fantastic, or whatever it's called.

Cobra9512171d ago

That's all they are: theories. Our viewpoint is way too limited in both time and space to get the whole picture. When we look into neighboring galaxies, we are looking hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of years into the past. The light (and the rest of the EM spectrum) from them took that long to reach us. We have no idea what's there right now. What we see out there happened long before humans started walking upright.

2171d ago Replies(2)

Galaxy S25 to Integrate Advanced Google AI Features

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