
SpaceX pissing off Ariane chief with cheap rocket launches

Ariane Group's CEO Alain Charmeau had quite a lot to say about how SpaceX was allegedly driving Europe out of the space business. With the Ariane 6 potentially costing 25% more than a SpaceX launch, Charmeau was very defensive and hopeful that European governments would choose his company over their U.S. competitor.

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Speed-Racer2192d ago

Sounds like someone is jealous.

bluefox7552191d ago (Edited 2191d ago )

Competition is good for everyone, do better.

Cueil2191d ago

boohoo... welcome to capitalism now when are we going to put permanent bases on the Moon

Mr_cheese2191d ago

People like this should not be running companies as he will end up biting his nose off to spite his face.

"Build one ticket per year and then tell my team see you next year". That sums him up. Why would your team not be researching and innovating on future techniques rather than you just assuming there is nothing else to be done.


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NASA radar images show stadium-sized asteroid tumbling by Earth during flyby

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Odysseus mission to be cut short after moon lander's sideways touchdown

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