
SpaceX nails tandem landing after successful Falcon Heavy test launch

What a time to be alive! Elon Musk and the team at SpaceX has set another major milestone by successfully launching the highly anticipated Falcon Heavy rocket into space, carrying Musk’s red Tesla Roadster into an orbit beyond Mars.

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ajax172306d ago

Watching it live on tv was incredible. I can't even imagine how it must've felt to be there in person.

The_KELRaTH2306d ago

I dunno, they just found out the heater failed in the car😂

Brian76554922306d ago

I thought they just issued a recall on that part, is it easier to send a mechanic?

ooquis2306d ago

Was like something out of a movie. Well done SpaceX.

link2Dpast2306d ago

Basically what everyone one else has said, incredible. This was oour Apollo etc... similar events. Sad the coverage has been so low on this event, if this was the 60s-80s would of made it to tv and every program cut off but society seems to not care. Anyway kudos to tesla and spaceX. When video feed went off Starman with the roadster was going at a speed of 2,638 with that speed and the distance of 33.9 million miles to mars and as long as there's no traffic up there he should reach mars at 530-536 days give and take, incredible

shadowraiden2305d ago

just shows how much we could actually do if we didnt waste most of our efforts bickering. could you imagine Elon Musk with the backing of all the governments and instead of war we funded this. we would be on Mar's by now or atleast setup on the moon, technology would be advancing in order to better the species and how we could tackle the issues our growth on the planet has caused(we cant undo the damage but we can fix it atleast and do our best to minimise our impact further). hopefully Elon and Tesla continue to showcase the good we can still do with technology and pushing us out into space and exploring all the wonders out there


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