
How to buy Ethereum

If you would like to get in on the rise of Ethereum, you have come to right place.

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bluefox7552355d ago

I use coinbase.com. Pretty easy and straightforward.

coolbeans2355d ago

Same. Oh If only I'd jumped on this stuff a month sooner. :P

KingPin2354d ago

after all the reading and research about crytocurrency, i still have no idea where the value comes from.
it isnt backed by anything valueable like normal currency is. it just seems to be a case of supply and demand.
my other bigger question is who created it, who is the face of crytocurency. someone/group had to think this through and program it from scratch. who are those people. what have they gained by creating such a platform?

mafiahajeri2354d ago

Why does your name and Avatar go so perfectly with your comment? Sounds like a quote from the big guy himself 😆

KingPin2354d ago

i'll take that as a compliment mr mafiahajeri. ;)

Saijahn2354d ago

with no real backing, the value comes from companies adopting it as a form of payment and the possibility of what it could become. I was surprised seeing how many big companies accept cryptocurrency as payment. People are betting on it being a legitimized source of currency until either the bubble bursts or it become regulated.

Would've been a great investment early on as it really shot through the roof. Haven't seen a bubble like this since the .com craze.

bluefox7552354d ago

Well, it did crash. It went from $19k to $13k, but it's going back up again, and it will crash again, but it go even higher after it does. Everyone has been betting against it since it started, while everyone who bets on it gets rich.

bluefox7552354d ago

What is it backed by? You could ask the same of the USD.

Speed-Racer2354d ago

Must be an accounting nightmare for companies accepting it as a form of payments give the insane fluctuations lately.


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