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Science And The Scientific Method Are Real. Alternative Facts And The Nazca Mummy Are Not

Science, using the scientific method, is a way to explain our environment, expand knowledge, and increase awareness for the present while laying foundations for future research. Unfortunately, anti-science agendas, based on arrogance and ignorance, are quickly becoming the norm. What has happened to humanity's quest for knowledge?

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brianparker2532d ago

The head looks fake but i don't know...

BWTrail2532d ago

Ugh, you're killing me. If this thing were real, they'd have scientists from all over the world, from as many high-profile legitimate labs as possible, brought in to verify legitimacy. But they aren't doing that because it's fake.

KingPin2531d ago

science is real...........but its not always correct.
thats the problem.

BWTrail2531d ago

I understand where you're coming from, but I think it's a skewed way of looking at it. Science is real, and the results are "correct" based on the data tested. I think that some people have a difficult time understanding this concept. The scientific method demands corrections when new data is observed, and new data is observed when people actually critically analyze current theory and new technologies are invented. This is not a problem, it's opportunity, and it is what has driven our technological advancements, and still does. The problem is us, people, and our habit of creating strictly defined categories (like "science") that if anything falls outside of our romanticized conceptualizations, then it must be wrong and then we blame the whole category for tricking us. We do the same thing with politicians.

Cobra9512530d ago (Edited 2530d ago )

The fundamental misunderstanding about science among the uneducated is that it is a belief system competing with others (such as religion). Pure science is the very opposite of belief. Facts are observed, and theories are formulated in an attempt to encapsulate the observed events in a repeatable form. Then those theories are tested empirically. If the tests fail, the theories are modified or discarded. Eventually, the theory will fit the facts well enough to be useful. Even the best, and longest-standing of theories need revision eventually. The most obvious example is Newtonian physics, which stood unchallenged for centuries until relativity came along.

Science can prove nothing. It can merely disprove assumptions about reality. When science cannot disprove a set of assumptions, postulates, theories for a very long time, scientists gain confidence that they have arrived at a truth. Reality may then be modeled using the findings from their work. These models will be very useful in practice, such as engine design or space travel. But the scientists can never be completely certain that the model is exactly the same as objective reality.

Edit: Brian Trail does a better job of telling this than I did. Go read the piece. It is humorous, and on the money.

BWTrail2530d ago

I think you summed it up very nicely.

brianparker2531d ago

BWTrail you are right Fake Fake Fake

JokerBoy4222531d ago

What happened to humanity's quest for knowledge? Political correctness happened...

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