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India Will Sell Only Electric Cars Within the Next 13 Years

To help battle air pollution the Indian government is instituting a plan to help get fossil fuel powered vehicles off the road.

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annoyedgamer2552d ago (Edited 2552d ago )

First of all thats not happening. Second of all, if it did, their economy would crash.

jonivtec2552d ago

If its not their economy that will crash people i think its possible even from an economy standpoint.Even in north america economist predict that electric car will be sold at the same price or less than petrol vehicule so....yeah...i think yes

annoyedgamer2552d ago

Oh yes, we were very close to having a viable electric alternative. The market will literally self convert to electrics the moment it becomes viable. Nobody likes paying fuel costs?

kevnb2552d ago

why would their economy crash?

Ashlen2552d ago (Edited 2552d ago )

Of course it's possible. Even more so in India where people drive smaller cars.

Your just mad because while America's president is busy looking backwards to oil and fossil fuels the rest of the world is moving forward into new economies leaving American development behind.

s45gr322552d ago

Nooo! We Americans need to impeach this idiot of a President

s45gr322552d ago

Not really, people still need a car to take them from point A to point B. Second it will create a huge boost for auto mechanics due to electric cars need special tools to be repaired (insulated tools to prevent static). Third, people will be healthier.

NecotheSergal2552d ago

I doubt their economy would permit it for long, I'd believe this is likely a spin on the Paris Agreement Act, wherein, this may be a reality that Liberals and Globalists want people to think - but it will never happen, that these news stories are made to fuel an Anti-Trump narrative of "Oh hey look, India will become so technologically superior and green compared to America! Thanks Trump!" - but those people of course didn't even read the Paris Agreement.

India, China, North Korea, etc, get free money and don't need to be green, there's no reinforcement, no penalty if they don't - and they get money from others. So, the reality is.... we'll see what they do with it, we'll see how long it lasts, and if such a reality can happen and remain with economic stability.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2552d ago
bluefox7552552d ago

Yeah, because unlike gasoline, electricity comes from rainbows and butterflies. /s

annoyedgamer2552d ago

It can work, but the technology isnt there yet, Telsa is close, but its very expensive. We will get there, but it isnt going to happen by banning combustion engines and crashing the economy, that will actually slow progress towards electric vehicles.

freshslicepizza2552d ago

13 years isn't that far off. I do not expect recharge stations to be in place and prices to be affordable to everyone and service stations to be built by then. Do you know how many vehicles are there now in India?

kevnb2552d ago (Edited 2552d ago )

13 years is actually a long time in the technology world. 13 years ago the Motorola razr was huge.

bluefox7552552d ago

I agree, my point is the electricity that charges those batteries still comes from coal fire plants primarily, i.e. fossil fuels

vallencer2552d ago

Have you actually done research into tesla cars? Comparatively speaking they aren't that much more expensive then a new corvette and are also a second faster with even more inside the cockpit and car than a corvette. It's like another 27k for a model x. Then you have the new car coming later this year that is supposed to be aroundd the 30k range. They are affordable in every way. They aren't banning combustion engines, well Germany is by 2030 but they are the only ones. What will end up happening when they switch over to electric is gas stations will switch a majority of their pumps to electric too to keep up with the times. Unless you're Germany which I stated. I doubt the US will even be close to that by 2030. Too many people here would throw a fit about not being able to drive gas cars. It'll end up being the new gun control all over again. But that's neither here nor there. We shall just have to see. But like I originally stated Tesla cars are affordable so it's really not that far off.

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Princess_Pilfer2552d ago

Fossile fuels are only one way to get electricity. There's nuclear, geothermal, hydroelectric, wind, ect. If there is a real effort to switch away from coal fire power plants and the like, it would be a real benefit.

It's also easier to control the emissions of a power plant than a car. Monitering and clamping down on 10 big sources of pollution is much simpler than trying to regulate several million cars. Get the gas cars off the road and you can focus on the big polluters.

ajax172552d ago (Edited 2552d ago )

Well, they did just make the largest solar plant in the world ( http://www.popularmechanics... I guess it's not that crazy that they'll only sell electric cars in 13 years.

franwex2552d ago

Makes sense for India due to high cost of importing energy and pollution problems they have.
It would benefit the world due to their high population manufacturers can improve technology in a large market and take that tech to the rest of the world.
Good move India!


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