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How to avoid WannaCry Ransomware attack

Here is a breakdown of why the WannaCry randomware spread so quickly across Europe, and what you can do to avoid putting yourself at risk.

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Speed-Racer2589d ago

A shame that Windows XP is still a thing.

KingPin2588d ago

this is why people need to upgrade.
when you run out-dated software, you arent as secure as you think you are.

people complain about forced updates, but keeping the system up to date should be part of ones "things to do to prevent virus attacks". yes, MS will release some bullshiz to check if windows is legit or something like that but if you have legit windows there isnt anything to worry about and updates are probably patching more holes in your system more than MS trying to spy on your machine.

annoyedgamer2588d ago

Win 10 has its own built in malware.

KingPin2588d ago

it does to a certain extent.
im not saying windows 10 is the best OS ever made in the history of computing.
either MS collects info or some unknown group/person whose out their selling your info to other unknowns.

guess its a case of you have to pick your poison.

but in all honesty, people running xp should at least look into linux or some other alternative by now. or maybe even running xp inside a VM or something. but not as a main OS right off the bat.


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