
Relonch is a $99 AI-driven DSLR camera that eliminates photo editing hassles

Relonch debuts a new and innovative camera service.

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Dasteru2739d ago

Using a DSLR really is not that difficult. If you do not understand the settings, just set format to JPEG, dial to aperture priority, aperture value as low # as it goes, and then you only have to manually control the ISO. 100 for daylight, 200 for cloudy, 400 for slightly dark, 800 for very dark. The camera will do the rest.

FBNS2739d ago

I would rather use 50v iso in a properly lit room for best clarity... Anything above 200 iso looks like shit

FBNS2739d ago

Also, always set to raw... Never jpeg


NASA radar images show stadium-sized asteroid tumbling by Earth during flyby

The asteroid zoomed by Earth at a perfectly safe distance of around 1.8 million miles (2.9 kilometers).


WhatsApp Unleashes Full-Quality Photo and Video Sharing

WhatsApp introduces a breakthrough feature enabling iPhone users to share photos and videos in their original quality on the messaging platform.

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The Nvidia Broadcast app attempts to mimic eye contact with the camera

The Nvidia Broadcast app attempts to mimic eye contact with the camera. Nvidia has updated its video conferencing software, making it the newest business to address the issue of maintaining eye contact during video conferences.

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