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Spying On Your Internet History And A Ban On Niche Porn. Here’s What The UK Government Can Do

NRM: "The Autumn Statement may have distracted you from this, but The Investigatory Powers Bill is now as good as passed, with the Digital Economy Bill shortly behind."

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annoyedgamer2757d ago (Edited 2757d ago )

This is your future USA if you do not put down the nose rings and leave the safe spaces.

Ogygian2757d ago

This is coming from the religious, "family values" right, and not the SJW left.

JEECE2757d ago

Isn't it interesting how easy it has become to see this coming from either group, though?

Ogygian2756d ago


Absolutely, which is why those of us who are actually liberal end up looking puzzled at the religious right and the SJW left squabbling over what to dictate people can't do with the expanded government powers both support.

silvacrest2757d ago

I thought they already did this, as far as i'm concerned they are just making it official and legal. i dont agree but get why they spy but why this fascination with banning porn? only straight laced porn is allowed in the UK according to the weird.

I hope people just watch what they want except for CP and snuff, the government should have no right or desire to do this

2757d ago
Speed-Racer2757d ago

Guess I better start downloading all my internet porn to a backup drive for when the apocalypse comes.

cyclindk2757d ago

You should have done this long ago, before the torrent collapse


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