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Nvidia's AI learns to drive by watching humans

While Google and Tesla duke it out for autonomous driving supremacy — and Apple waits in the wings — Nvidia might actually offer the best solution. Unlike the traditional approach to autonomous driving, Nividia is teaching its card to drive the same way driving instructors taught each of us.

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sonicwrecks2803d ago

Now that's some pretty impressive learning. Interesting that NVIDIA of all companies are getting so into this.

TechImperia2802d ago

Pretty absurd in my opinion. Humans drive the worst out there with the number of accidents that gets reported worldwide on a daily basis.

Kabaneri2802d ago

Yeah man those humans are the worst drivers, its obvious they should use dog behavior for the AI instead.

Erik73572801d ago

Really? Surprised? Nvidia makes more money from the car industry than they do from computers.


There's finally a new 8K monitor on the way, with DisplayPort 2.1 included

The ASUS ProArt Display PA32KCX is on the way - a brand-new 8K monitor designed for professionals, including DisplayPort 2.1 connectivity.


LG quietly fixes vulnerability in thousands of their TVs which could give access to hackers

Owners of LG TVs may want to learn about this vulnerability which could give hackers access to your device. Luckily, LG has rolled out a fix.


Galaxy S25 to Integrate Advanced Google AI Features

Samsung's Galaxy S25 is set to elevate Google AI integration, extending to hardware depths.

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