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Elon Musk's Mars metropolis: Insane but not impossible

Commentary: SpaceX has advanced a vision of a city built on Mars as soon as the 2060s, but a galaxy of technical, ethical, legal and other questions need to be answered first.

annoyedgamer2802d ago (Edited 2802d ago )

Did SpaceX throw this together to move attention away from the satellite failure? The whole presentarion looked like it was thrown together overnight. Why is Mars the goal and not the moon which is closer? And how can we terraform mars? It has no magnetic shield or atmosphere since its core is now solid. Does he have a plan to re liquify the internal core too?

Bolts2802d ago

What is not said in the presentation is that Musk believes that Martian colonization isn't just done for science but it will be as a necessity post 2060. Guest what, his company will be the one to sell you the trip and home there. Sure your children will never be able to return to earth if they grow up there but nobody cares about that. Just like how the pilgrims don't plan to return to Europe if their life in the colonies doesn't work out.

TechImperia2802d ago

Elon Musk - Another Tony Stark in the making.


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