
'Partnership on AI' formed by Google, Facebook, Amazon, IBM and Microsoft

Two big Silicon Valley names are missing from the alliance, which aims to set societal and ethical best practice for artificial intelligence research.

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-Mezzo-2801d ago

This is actually good news, this will make the progression much fast.

Looking forward to seeing what results this partnership brings.

FlyingFoxy2801d ago

We could be even more advanced in technology and medicine had they spent all that wasted money on wars on research for this stuff instead.

Ray Kurzweil, the guy who made many predictions about tech, predicts that the Singularity will happen by 2029. Let's hope that technology will get much better and really fast. Try to ignore the terrorists and make things better for ourselves. When we get smart AI i think that everything will advance extremely quickly.

LightofDarkness2801d ago

Ray Kurzweil's prediction success rate is less than stellar:


Some of them are purely over-optimistic and some are just a bit bananas. I don't think cultural acceptance of trans-humanism will be anywhere near as quick as he believes, if it ever at all reaches a state anything like he proposes.


There's finally a new 8K monitor on the way, with DisplayPort 2.1 included

The ASUS ProArt Display PA32KCX is on the way - a brand-new 8K monitor designed for professionals, including DisplayPort 2.1 connectivity.


LG quietly fixes vulnerability in thousands of their TVs which could give access to hackers

Owners of LG TVs may want to learn about this vulnerability which could give hackers access to your device. Luckily, LG has rolled out a fix.


Galaxy S25 to Integrate Advanced Google AI Features

Samsung's Galaxy S25 is set to elevate Google AI integration, extending to hardware depths.

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