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India offers land to Elon Musk to test Hyperloop

India's need for speed.

As Elon Musk struggles in acquiring land rights for testing his audacious Hyperloop project in the United States, India has emerged out of nowhere to offer him a helping hand.

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TechImperia2818d ago

Yeah because why not, we have lots of land for such purposes. We are going to be the World's third superpower after the U.S and China in the near future.

blacktiger2817d ago

in your dream dude! By that time they will get into war with multiple country... including muslim.

007Tech2817d ago

we are not going to get in war with multiple country..Pakistan is exception...after all US and Russia is their to support us...and forget muslim as they are in very less number...we are behaving in a way polite way so they are standing on our head...if we want we can crush them in minutes....sry anyone if it hurts anyone sentiments especially muslim

Speed-Racer2817d ago

Really? With rape crimes being the norm?

annoyedgamer2817d ago

Oh not to worry rape crimes follow the culture and with the current migration crisis exporting that culture worldwide...those crimes will be in a city near you soon. It is already in some as we speak.

TechImperia2817d ago

Rapes are more rampant in China than in India. But due to the censored media in China about 99% of the rapes go unreported and thus aren't included in any of the data gathered by the foreign media. Contrary to this, Indian media is not suppressed under the government's foot, they are quite free to report whatever they want. So what they care about is only the TRP ratings of their Channel which is in their own interest but not the national interest.

There's more to it about which I can go on and on about.

big_dom_returns2817d ago (Edited 2817d ago )

Really? You want to bring bollocks like that up in a science article?

OK. Seeing you went there, I'll go here:

I take it you're a Yank, so, it would be wise to educate yourself on the statistics of rape and sexual assault in the US, compared to places like India. I think you'll get you're in for a wee bit of a shock. Here, have a ganders at this:

Oh, looky who's number one.

Even if you click on the updated link, guess who's still hanging up there for the top spot.

Think before you speak next time. Wanker!

007Tech2817d ago

yeah! that's the big issue we have to solve...the main reason of rape and crime is that people are uneducated here but believe me it is still a far better country than any other.

007Tech2817d ago

u better pay a visit to india and bring ur mates also who feels that India can't be superpower in near future...we conquered mars in just one try there are many more stats get olit googled :)

Speed-Racer2817d ago (Edited 2817d ago )

@big_dom_returns - Thing is, I don't live in the US nor am I American. :| I've just decided to point out one of the many problems preventing India from attaining first one status

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2817d ago
annoyedgamer2817d ago (Edited 2817d ago )

Having grown up in an eastern culture, It remains startling to me just how superficial Asian cultures are. The country is in poverty and people are starving, your infrastructure is non existent, crime is rampant. But hey! We have cell phones and rockets so we are as superpower.

TechImperia2817d ago

Dude you cannot be the judge sitting in another country. Visit our country for a clear picture. Yes there are poor and homeless people roaming on the streets but yet at the same time you get to see glass houses and offices all around the streets, world class shopping malls and what not.

007Tech2817d ago

a new move towards make in India


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