
Habitable alien planets may be less common than previously believed

The requirements for life to get started on an alien planet could be getting more stringent, putting a bit of a damper on the search for potential hosts for alien life.

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Ryuujinjakka2836d ago

It would be so sad to be alone in this vast universe.

bouzebbal2836d ago

no it's not, makes us more special. and incites us to question ourselves about our existence..why are we the only ones in this universe?

RufustheKing2835d ago (Edited 2835d ago )

You know that the religious folk wont shut up if we find out we´re the only life in this universe

2835d ago
starchild2835d ago


"I think the fact that we cant find any other life in the universe is proof that we are unique, special and created."

We can't "find" any because we haven't really looked. We've been stuck on this planet for most of our history. We've barely begun visiting our moon in the last 47 years and haven't even done a manned mission to any of the other planets in our own solar system.

Many people simply don't grasp the immense distances that exist between stars. The universe could be teeming with life, but most of it could be restricted to their own planets or local solar systems, unaware, as we are are, of all the other lifeforms that exist out there.

And those species that do eventually discover a means of interstellar travel will likely be extremely advanced and may be part of a galactic organization which has as a sort of "prime directive" the principle of not interfering too much with budding civilizations before they are ready.

I personally think there is ample evidence that this planet has been visited, perhaps for thousands of years, by sentient extraterrestrial life. Now, as to why they don't land in our biggest cities and say "we're here, we come in peace", well, why exactly would they do that? These beings, or collection of beings, may be millions of years more technologically advanced than us. They almost certainly have understandings about things we couldn't begin to grasp and they may simply deem that we are not ready for open contact.

The fact they aren't completely hiding their presence from us, merely keeping sightings and contacts below a certain threshold, does indicate to me that it may be part of a gradual conditioning process of the human race, whereby they slowly accustom us to the idea of extraterrestrial life before one day fully revealing themselves.

I believe that one day humans will look back and laugh at the fact some people actually thought we were alone in the universe.

2835d ago
thejigisup2835d ago

@shin, you're not doing a good job explaining fermi's paradox. Let alone why it's so impossible to believe that there are reasons we are seemingly "alone". Too many factors come into play. If I were objectively looking at humans on earth as a whole I'd see parasites that struggle with positive advances. I would stay away and observe to see how things went. Humans literally destroy everything we touch, it's quite remarkable When you compare humans to other life forms on earth.

2835d ago
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yomfweeee2836d ago

Some studies have estimated there are 60 billion habitable planets in the Milky Way galaxy alone.
There are an estimated 200 billion galaxies. No way there isn't any other life.

I don't think we'll ever know because I don't think space exploration will allow us to even get to another solar system in our lifetime. The closet one is 4.3 light years, which would take 30,000 years with existing technology.

RufustheKing2835d ago

Hey you should look up this https://en.m.wikipedia.org/... it is possible we can visit other solar systems within our life time but not the way you think. There are exciting times ahead thats for sure

yomfweeee2835d ago

Yes, I've read about the Breakthrough Starshot program, but it is only a dream right now with a lot of issues that have no solution yet.

2835d ago
yomfweeee2835d ago

I think the answer to that is easy. It is impossible to travel the distances required. It is 2.5 million light years to the next galaxy. Is it possible to overcome that? The observable universe alone is an estimated 93 billion light years. Even more impossible to overcome.

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FlyingFoxy2836d ago

Right? Would kinda be like jumping into the sea for the first time and noticing there's nothing but sand, stones and water.. Something would definitely seem amiss to me.

If any other civilisation has ever existed elsewhere there may still be evidence hiding somewhere. I remember reading there's a possibility that ET technology could just be waiting to be discovered on the ground somewhere on some planets, like the moon has existed for so long you'd think if anything passed by it, there would be at least a little bit of evidence left behind.

We haven't explored enough yet, it doesn't help that things are moving at a snails pace for exploration either.

m2stech2836d ago

lol 99.9% of planets are habitable in no mans sky

TechImperia2836d ago

Irony is you yourself can't live there or could you ?

EazyC2835d ago

If other planets are as boring as NMS's then I certainly hope we're alone in this universe.


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