
The NSA hack proves Apple was right to fight the FBI

It turns out Apple CEO Tim Cook is pretty much vindicated when he argued that the government can't keep a backdoor safe.

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Settler2853d ago

False. The constitution proves Apple was right to fight the FBI

extermin8or2852d ago

I disagree, Apple could have unlocked the device themselves and given the unlocked device to the fbi then destroyed whatever they used to unlock it. It's really that simple. They did not have to provide the tools to the nsa.

kevnb2852d ago

thats not what was asked for.

xX_Altair_Xx2852d ago

Wouldnt work. Apple's argument to that was that it wouldnt be just 'this one time', once they do for one device, they set a precedent and it'll be expected of them on every occasion they're asked to do it.

IanTH2852d ago

On the one hand I agree, slippery slope is a real thing and exists. On the other hand, I feel this is a slippery slope they could have mitigated the slip on. Say "We will unlock this phone on this occasion only. We understand the risk of not unlocking far outweighs unlocking, and we will hold any key/software in our possession. We may choose to unlock phones in the future, but only if we deem the situation as equal or greater to this situation; one of national security and possible risk to American Lives. We reserve all rights to deny any request for any reason". I see both sides, but I feel this is an instance where they could have done it and made clear enough lines and boundaries where your Average Joe (or small time criminal) wouldn't be impacted and their public image would remain one of "security".

It's a bit ironic that the same American ideals which drove the terrorists to attack managed to keep their information safe, eh?

annoyedgamer2852d ago

Oh? And when did the feds get the right to mass data collection?

TheUndertaker852852d ago

When you signed the agreements to use the devices they use to data collect.

You use a phone service? It's part of the terms. You use a net provider? Terms. Cameras? Terms.

You yourself sign away many rights even picking up services or devices.


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