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Thailand to issue tourists with location-tracking SIM cards

Tourists visiting Thailand in future face being issued with location-tracking SIM cards.

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SunnyZ2850d ago

Why don't they just go all in and give everyone a ankle bracelet monitors, like they do with criminals...
Unless that sim card has free unlimited data, texting and calls, they can pretty much go fuck themselves.

Devil-X2850d ago

Your point is completely invalid since no one would be visiting their country if start giving out ankle bracelet monitors to everyone just like they do with the criminals. Well you see, Tourists are supposed to be treated with some respect especially if you are Thailand because then you have to deal with the fact that tourists actually contributes a large percent towards your country's economy.

Hope I make it clear to you now, why they cannot give a ankle bracelet monitor to everyone.

SunnyZ2850d ago

Was being sarcastic man...

Devil-X2850d ago

oh, My Bad! ... completely missed out on that aspect.


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