
The future of Apple’s App Store is subscriptions

The App Store changed the way we buy software. Can Apple do it again?

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-Mezzo-2928d ago

This is the right direction for not only apple but Android as well.

And I already read today that Google is also considering something similar.

Ashlen2927d ago

Yea, but what about the consumers? For them, this is the wrong direction.

instead of paying X and having something for life now you pay x per month, so after x months you pay more than you would have if you bought it. Not to mention now consumers have to manage all sorts of subscriptions. And it's always a thing where you have lots of people who will forget they have subscriptions and end up paying for things there not using.

mcstorm2927d ago

I am with you on this one. For example. If I pay Netflix to use their services why should I pay apple to use the Netflix app on my phone? Its the same with my Xbox music pass I pay for. Why should I pay Apple to use the app on this phone to? I don't see that working at all.

annoyedgamer2927d ago

Looks like the days of apps and smartphones will be numbered. Just like Cable TV id dying so too will smartphones. Flip phones will make a comeback.


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