
The Images From India's First Ever Space Shuttle Launch Are Astonishing

Early this morning, India launched its very first reusable space shuttle. These remarkable photos illustrate just how majestic the teensy shuttle looked as it took off.

Tzuno2945d ago (Edited 2945d ago )

Some of the best Students and research people around the world are Indians, no wonder that they improve day by day.

SolidStoner2944d ago (Edited 2944d ago )

maybe thats true, some of the worst case scenarios also are there.. and they have to do something about the environment and pollution.. (not only them, Canada, USA and China also is in the "bad country" list).

annoyedgamer2944d ago

USA is not in the "bad country" list. Its the country that is giving me a chance to success despite my troubled upbringing. Its also one of the cleanest countries in the world. You shouldn't need to pin others to cover for pointing out major cultural flaws of Asian cultures.

annoyedgamer2944d ago (Edited 2944d ago )

Best? Thats because their parent beat and starve them if they get anything less than an A. India can find money to launch a rocket while their kids starve on the street and drink polluted water. All so they can save face in a (failed) attempt to emulate the west.

Believe me India is not improving, in fact is is worse then ever. This is all a farce, a cover up. Its what they do.

When I was a kid I would have to forgo things just so my parents could save face to make them selves look better for guests. When the guests were around I was treated like royalty. Once the guests disappeared? Back to being lowly unwanted scum.

stuna12944d ago

I'm sad you had to go through that. Welcome to America. although we also have our own laundry list of things we definitely could do better.

garrettbobbyferguson2943d ago

All of these developments are good. Of course my thoughts of this are biased from all of the sci fi and space related content I enjoy, but the faster we make it into space (and the safer) the better.


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