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The government's launched a crackdown on illegal downloading

Do you ever get suspicious that more people in your school or office talk about Game of Thrones than subscribe to Sky? Well you're not alone. The government's launched a new crackdown on illegal downloading, and as part of it they're planning to introduce tougher sentences for internet pirates.

pompombrum2942d ago (Edited 2942d ago )

I'd rather talk about Game of Thrones than subscribe to a ridiculously overpriced service. Anyhow, good luck singling people out for downloading, more hot air from our "awesome" government.

SilverClock2941d ago

I already have a subscription to Crunchyroll, Netflix, and Funimation. Now Amazon has its own service and so does HBO. I'm not paying for the HBO subscription when literally ALL I want is Game of Thrones. I don't want the entire package for just one show. Now maybe if I could purchase the episodes individually..or just the capability to only view Game of Thrones as it comes out...I would be much more apt to do that.

DillyDilly2941d ago

You can purchase individually on iTunes

princejb1342941d ago

Honestly if I can't download or stream online I'm just not going to see it. I'm sure other people out there think the same as me. Tv shows is entertainment not a necessity. I'm sure I can live without it.

GrimDragon2941d ago

They've been sending these warnings out since the great illegal song downloading fiasco. But guess what you can still download songs off many sites still today. Seems to me they may stop some sites by shutting them down but those sites just keep coming back anyway. The same will be said for this HBO nonsense. They've already implemented blocking mechanisms in iPads safari and other browsers but that's just going to direct people to use temporary Vpn anyway. On the one hand I understand artist, actors, and studios need to make money but on the other hand many of the products are not worth the price of admission. Anyway seems this fight between the govt, uploaders, and downloaders, will rage on for many more years to come.

Angerfist2941d ago (Edited 2941d ago )

You can never arrest or charge hundreds of millions of people. And there are more regions on this planet were everyone sees it as reasonable to illegally download stuff than there are not. I would even guess that the only countries were this is considered illegal on a grand scale are probably the Anglo countries and other parts of Europe.

2941d ago Replies(1)
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