
Valve Tips Hat to Modders, Makes Available Steam Controller CAD Files

Maximum PC: Think you can design a better Steam Controller than the one that Valve worked on for so long? Now's your chance to prove it—Valve has made available the Steam Controller's CAD geometry in a handy ZIP archive.

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Valve Calls It Quits On Steam Controller

Valve is set to discontinue the production of the Steam Controller, with them finishing up the remaining stock by putting it on sale at just $5.


Valve's Steam Controller interface now works with Xbox gamepads

Arguably, one of the best things about Valve's Steam Controller is its software component -- an interface that allows user to assign any button of their control.

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Half Way There: Steam Controller Helps Open Up the Gateway to Normalising VR

VR is much more appealing when it can fit in with the mainstream, especially when it comes to accessories.

garrettbobbyferguson2934d ago

VR will be "normalized" when you can sit down on your couch and put on the equivalent of a pair of glasses.