
Twitter Considering 10,000-Character Limit for Tweets

Twitter’s investors have long clamored for bold changes that would reenergize the company, attract new users and lift the stock out of its doldrums. Three months into his tenure as permanent CEO, Jack Dorsey appears to be listening to their pleas.

RetrospectRealm3069d ago

Am I reading this correctly? 10,000? The current is 140, and no way would I want to have to scroll down the whole feed just to get to the next tweet.

The only solution would be to have a "Read more" button with just an excerpt. I think tweets should stay how they are.

NewMonday3068d ago

1) make the character limit 200

2) user names shouldn't count in the character limit , make an address bar for them

3) options to sort conversations: like "jump to last tweet" button to help navigate long conversations, buttons to show "most favourited" & "most retweeted"

RetrospectRealm3067d ago

Those are pretty good ideas actually. Especially the not making user names count as characters. I think they should keep the 140 but implement that rule into it.

gizmig3069d ago

Absolutely else the spamming will increase more. Users will start writing the whole description in their tweet which might be annoying.


Yes that might be annoying but that can also be informative for anyone.

RetrospectRealm3069d ago

But people will abuse it, which is worse than the benefit that comes from the people who use it well.


That depends on the thought of people that they take it as an abuse.

gizmig3067d ago

I think it is already enough to express and share the information.

HedwigOwl3068d ago

Just like here at techspy.. :P

BLAKHOODe3069d ago

I'd be happy with an increase to 200 characters or even just 180. It's annoying to write something trying to use just 140 characters and there is just no way of doing your tweet justice in one tweet, so you end up flooding your feed with multiple tweets. I've had to do it and I've seen others do it many, MANY times.

Gezmoyassine3068d ago

10,000 is way too much.200-300 is enough for me.

annoyedgamer3068d ago

Time to make more troll accounts.

gizmig3067d ago

Totally agree with you. I have already seen many troll accounts and if the current limit exceed then God help us all.

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