
iPhone 7 concept and video

"A new possible iPhone 7 concept surfaced these days on the internet. This particular concept offers the solution in case the smartphone is dropped. Usually, when a device of such kind falls from a relatively big height, its screen and body could be seriously damaged. "

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emilysmithltg3116d ago

This looks and sounds much better than the airbag patent Apple filed a couple of weeks ago. It sounds like a much better tech to use than what Apple had in time. That just goes to show how much the company actually cares.

pressjudge3116d ago

You are so right. Love this iPhone 7design.

extremefinance3116d ago (Edited 3116d ago )

pretty much exicted for iphone 7... awesome concept especially with the protection case.By adding this extra protective case in iphone 7, it has made its way towards setting up a milestone in The Apple Inc. As many phones and gadgets when fall from a distant height broken their screens. just love this design.. Apple is becoming more and more good gradually

thereapersson3115d ago

There are many companies making drop resistant phones these days. Apple is not the first; LG V10 is shatter and drop resistant. There have been others before.

extremefinance3115d ago

Yeah! I know that there's a lot of more companies making these...
But u knw what...!
Apple's got class...
Or maybe I m telling this all because of my craziness towards apple...!

thereapersson3115d ago

Probably the latter, but at least you admit you're biased.

headpress3116d ago

I say in a few years iPhone will become a great product in every aspect of the phone. It is not a bad product don't get me wrong but it has it flaws.

level 3603115d ago

In the future we won't need to carry anymore phones, we'll all be wearing wristbands that will 3D project ( via hologram ) and with the option to enhance/enlarge all messages/videos in HD/4K or even higher.

annoyedgamer3115d ago

At this rate the iPhone 10 will have the up-to-date specs...from 4 years ago.

eferreira3115d ago

If you're good, maybe your mommy will buy you one for Christmas and then you won't be so salty. If not, just double up on your paper route.

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The iPhone 7 is selling faster than the iPhone 8

This could be embarrassing.

In its first month on the market, the iPhone 8 is being outsold by last year’s iPhone 7, according to a report on Monday.

Gadgetheads are reaching for the older Apple smartphone because they see a “lack of significant enhancements” in the new model, according to KeyBanc Capital Markets analyst John Vinh.


iPhone 7 battery drain problems and how to fix them

The iPhone 8 might have just launched but many people still own an iPhone 7. Unfortunately, even though it is a good phone, many users encountered a battery drain problem with this handset. The iPhone 7 battery drain problems seem to have been caused by the iOS 10.3 update.

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MikeyG04032454d ago

One day we'll get an iPhone with a decent battery... one day.

KingPin2453d ago

oh wow theres actually a way to fix them......most users just buy the latest iphone and forgot about problems of the past.


8 Reasons Why The Samsung Galaxy S8 Is Better Than The Apple iPhone 7

8 reasons why the Samsung Galaxy S8 is better than the Apple iPhone 7and easily one of the best phones on the market to date.

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Speed-Racer2579d ago

Wait for the next iPhone for a fairer comparison.