
iPad Pro: The Thrill Is Gone

Apple this week began selling its iPad Pro, but the newly introduced device is failing to evoke the enthusiasm the company's line of tablets traditionally has seen.

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Revvin3132d ago

I was certain the replacement for my iPad 3rd gen would be the iPad Pro, I thought we might get the full MacOS experience in a tablet with the Pro that would compete with the Surface but all we got was a jumbo iPad. I'm now looking at maybe spending more on a Surface 4 or getting an Android tablet instead. Apple seem to be out of ideas and now just follow the herd. I was really impressed by Microsoft's presentation of the Surface Pro 4, they seem to have their mojo back and there are some great looking powerful Android tablets out there like Sony's Xperia line and Samsungs Galaxy range. Will Tim Cook preside over the slow decline of Apple?

mcstorm3132d ago

I have said for a long time now that the Surface line was the way forward for the pc tablets. RT was a great OS but lacked the apps IOS and android had but with windows 10 looking like its going to be a hit it could help the windows eco system and if the apps come to it that are on ios and android they could become the best selling tablets.

As for the ipad pro I really don't get apples thinking with it as it really is just a big ipad with a pen.

aviator1893132d ago

i don't know why anyone would pick up an ipad pro aka ipad xl over devices like surface pro 4.

Yi-Long3132d ago

Last time I checked, and that was while ago so I'm not sure if that's still the case, the Surface devices only allow their own stylus pens, instead of, for instance, a Wacom pen.

It seems for Digital Artists, who are interested in sketching and painting on their tablet, without being limited by the choice of pens on Surface, or not willing to pay 1500-2000 euro for a Portable Cintiq, might choose to go for a new iPad instead.

Personally, I feel the price of the new iPad is wayyy too high, plus I'm not into the whole Apple-universe, so unless they become either significantly cheaper and/or better, I'll still with my current home Cintiq for now.

I would LOVE a portable device for digital sketching and artwork, but it would need to be affordable as well, and the Ipad isn't, and the Surface doesn't allow better quality pens.

steve30x3132d ago

Maybe they should reconsider their pricing. Their Tablets are very overpriced. For instance Samsung is bringing out an 18.4" tablet that will cost $599. Thats a lot of bang for your buck compared to apples offering.

KTF263132d ago

Why should they reconsider their pricing when people are willing to pay for their overpriced products?

Definitely, it's not good for consumers to have overpriced products
but for a company
they'll milk their costumers as much as they can

Imagine someone bought an iPad Air when it first released for his 3 years-old kid!!!


iPad Pro Dreams Come True with Jaw-Dropping Leaks

Apple is anticipated to announce the new OLED iPad Pro this spring. Although there has been considerable speculation about the product, it’s always reassuring when Apple officially confirms certain features through upcoming software updates.

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sonicwrecks106d ago

I've fixed the images on some of these past submissions of yours. Please in the future make sure the image isn't broken on submission.( I always found it best to download/upload it to be honest. )


The New Magic Keyboard May Finally Make The IPad Pro A Worthy Laptop Replacement

Coming with the 2024 OLED iPad Pro.

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Apple unleashes Final Cut Pro and Logic Pro on iPad

Great, another reason to buy an iPad Pro.

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