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Touchless displays superseding touchscreens?

While touchscreens are practical, touchless displays would be even more so. That's because, despite touchscreens having enabled the smartphone's advance into our lives and being essential for us to be able to use cash dispensers or ticket machines, they do have certain disadvantages. Touchscreens suffer from mechanical wear over time and are a transmission path for bacteria and viruses. To avoid these problems, scientists at Stuttgart's Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research and LMU Munich have now developed nanostructures that change their electrical and even their optical properties as soon as a finger comes anywhere near them.


On Next-Gen Console Games, Many Publishers Are Thinking Of The Price Hike: Report

Microsoft and Sony still have not given any details about the cost of their impending consoles. However, they are extensively anticipated to be more costly than their present-gen models.

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European Supercomputers For Covid-19 Research Hacked To Mine Cryptocurrency: Report

Hackers attack the supercomputers of the UK, Germany, and Switzerland, and "infections" included cryptocurrency-mining spyware.

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Mesmerizing Colored Chocolate Made By Scientists, No Additives

Scientists got an idea to make shimmery chocolate during coffee break. It was wondering for them to make colored chocolate and select it as research topic.

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