
Why the iPad Pro Apple Pencil combo makes Apple arrogant

"Apple had a good idea with the iPad Pro and Apple Pencil combo, because their market research is pretty good. When combining the powerful iPad Pro with the Apple Pencil, you get a versatile tool for those who draw and design. When combined with the Smart Keyboard, you get a Surface Pro 3 with iOS 9.1 on board."

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pressjudge3182d ago

Apple= arrogant= nothing new

emilysmithltg3182d ago

The iPad Pro is basically a Surface Pro 3, but with less comfort and more elite.

mcstorm3182d ago

I have to disagree. The IPad pro is more like the Surface RT and Surface 2. The Pro 3 and even the 3 are fully working pc's that will run any x32/64 app where the surface Rt and 2 would only run apps from the app store the IPad Pro. For me I don't see the point in the iPad pro. If they brought out a IPad pro with mac OS then it could be put up against the Surface Pro live but for me there is only one winner in that side and its the pro 3.

emilysmithltg3181d ago

I completely agree with what you're saying. I retract "3" from my previous comment and replace it with 2. Maybe Apple is indeed thinking of such a device, I've heard rumors about something or other hybrid with Mac OS X.

The_KELRaTH3182d ago

Would have been an interesting product if it was based around OS X

Software_Lover3182d ago

I had figured that was what the "PRO" moniker was for, but what do we know right!!! We're just consumers.


iPad Pro Dreams Come True with Jaw-Dropping Leaks

Apple is anticipated to announce the new OLED iPad Pro this spring. Although there has been considerable speculation about the product, it’s always reassuring when Apple officially confirms certain features through upcoming software updates.

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sonicwrecks94d ago

I've fixed the images on some of these past submissions of yours. Please in the future make sure the image isn't broken on submission.( I always found it best to download/upload it to be honest. )


Apple Introduces Universal USB-C Apple Pencil for All iPads

A year after revealing the iPad 10, which required a dongle to use the first-gen Apple Pencil, Apple is launching a universal USB-C Apple Pencil compatible with all iPad models. Here’s the essential info.

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200d ago

The New Magic Keyboard May Finally Make The IPad Pro A Worthy Laptop Replacement

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