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U.S. scientists successfully turn human cancer cells back to normal

Cancer cells have been programmed back to normal by scientists in a breakthrough which could lead to new treatments and even reverse tumour growth.

For the first time, aggressive breast, lung and bladder cancer cells have been turned back into harmless benign cells by restoring the function which prevents them from multiplying excessively and forming dangerous growths.

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Tzuno3202d ago

And how much it will cost for the average person? that's the real question.

DrRobotnik3202d ago (Edited 3202d ago )

And then said scientist are found dead in a ditch. Do really think the medical business community will alow this to happen and lose billions of dollars in treatment profit. Hecks no. Sadly, sickness is money and money is good.

annoyedgamer3202d ago

As much as I agree their is a basis to this conspiracy theory, we must also realize the big business that is the medical industry is what funds this research. Without the massive funds from the industry their would be very little research. The only time governments have contributed to the medical field is during times of war where we were trying to save the lives of our own from infection IE Penicillin.

Hroach6163202d ago

Penicillin was an accident created by the Canadians before the conservatives took over. Back then canada actually wanted to help. That's why it was released. You wouldn't get that now under the damn Harper administration. They would just water it down and say you need more

Reportillo43202d ago

i would consider cancer a sickness, so i would hope they would switch to making millions or billions off of that. i know its far fetched but a man can dream right?

DragoonsScaleLegends3202d ago

And so the zombie apocalypse has begun...

WitWolfy3202d ago (Edited 3202d ago )

I call bullshit. I hate when they release articles like these but nothing ever comes from it. I also hate articles like these becuase I know my father spent basically his entire life savings on his cancer then died anyways.

Then they go and release slander shit like this. It just aint righ5 getting peoples' hopes up like this.


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