
Stephen Hawking says he has a way to escape from a black hole

Stuff that falls into a black hole is gone forever, right? Not so, says Stephen Hawking.

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Stringerbell3202d ago

I never thought I'd get to read any sort of positive news regarding black holes =p

caseh3200d ago

Bit late there Stevie, Matthew McConaughey and Michael Caine figured this one out a few months back. Turns out they lead to your daughters (if you have one I guess)bedroom.

Eyesoftheraven3200d ago (Edited 3200d ago )

haha. Such an aggravating pseudoscience-fiction movie.

pandehz3200d ago

Yup just pull it out in time.

Jerry Seinfeld3200d ago

I need to see this conference. It has to have been recorded. Where is it?!? I NEED!!!


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