
Torrent Trackers Ban Windows 10 Over Privacy Concerns

The level of Windows 10 paranoia reached new heights this week when reports suggested that Microsoft would wipe torrents and pirated software from people's hard drives. Nonsense, of course, but all the recent privacy concerns were enough to have the operating system banned from several torrent trackers.

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Ashlen3203d ago

To be fair I would believe a 3'rd party saying Microsoft is scanning hard drives and sending search and usage data before I would believe Microsoft saying their not. And thus far they haven't even said their not.

ramiuk13202d ago

u can turn it all off though cant you.
i have disabled loads of things

mechlord3202d ago

thats the thing. the way its all setup is sketchy at best. why it needs to have so many settings and a website ffsake?

Besides, even witl everything off, MS still gets your data.

Ashlen3202d ago (Edited 3202d ago )

Actually you can't even if you turn them off and block them with firewalls (not just windows firewall) basically everything you turned off still sends encrypted data to Microsoft. And that doesn't even matter with forced updates. You no longer have any control over your PC.

1nsomniac3203d ago (Edited 3203d ago )

I can't wait until there's a global ban on Windows 10 altogether. It's a disgusting product. I'll be going back to Windows 7 & seeing if hackers can enable DX12 like they enabled DX10 on XP.

Microsoft should be ashamed once again for their repeated actions!

Stringerbell3203d ago

I haven't made the switch though my reasons aren't tied to privacy concerns. For me the fact that the dual shock 4 is not supported was a deal breaker- I know there is a workaround but its less than ideal.

Pillsbury13203d ago (Edited 3203d ago )

This is also the company that wanted to put strict DRM in the Xbox one bad have it always online til they realized they wouldn't sell any.

Microsoft as a company hasn't changed but their marketing department has.

KingPin3202d ago

hackers wont just bring DX12 to windows 7, they will most likely release a pirate version of windows 10 with all MS spy tools disabled.

i was a fan of windows 10 initially but after digging deeper i have lost faith in the product. Mint is back my default OS.

Pillsbury13203d ago

I only use ubuntu when I download torrents as I have a dual boot setup so I'm good.

Tzuno3202d ago

Well that's happens when you get in the hype train, have you thought that win 10 is the new messiah as advertised? i am still on win 7 and glad of it.

MasterD9193202d ago

Better question...how do I stop my computer from mentioning Windows 10 entirely?

If I wanted that upgrade, it would have been done already!

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