
Asus G501: Gaming Laptop Review: VGLoggers

What are the important things that you want to consider when making a purchase decision for your gaming laptop???? I guess these are the following:

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shariqamin13217d ago

I don't believe how gaming laptops have to be soo expensive!

fpandjic3215d ago

Review? That is far from a review!

Stringerbell3215d ago

I dont want to be rude here but I disagree with this review not on the product per se but the understanding of the components of this machine.

An i7-4720 is what I have on my laptop with 8gbs of ram. Unless you are someone who is heavy into editing multi media and and this is the minority of users out there. 8gb is fine and as this particular model is targeted towards 'gamers' again 8gb is fine.

And seeing the battery power as a negative is unfair. Its a gaming laptop it has a beastly processor and well to do GPU. Its like being upset that Ferrari doesn't make a fuel efficient car, you're missing the point.


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