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Study offers first genetic analysis of people with extremely high intelligence

The first ever genetic analysis of people with extremely high intelligence has revealed small but important genetic differences between some of the brightest people in the United States and the general population.

Published today in Molecular Psychiatry, the King's College London study selected 1,400 high-intelligence individuals from the Duke University Talent Identification Program. Representing the top 0.03 per cent of the 'intelligence distribution', these individuals have an IQ of 170 or more - substantially higher than that of Nobel Prize winners, who have an average IQ of around 145.

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JPMorgan Chase tests neuroscience-based videogames to recruit interns

JPMorgan Chase & Co is testing neuroscience-based videogames to help recruit interns, as it seeks to increase the diversity of its workforce by broadening its candidate pool.

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Woolly Mammoths Could About To Come Back From the Dead?

Woolly mammoths, who roamed the earth back during the ice age periods might once again see the light of the day, according to a Harvard cloning scientist. George Church from Harvard University has come up with a cloning project that might be able to grow a baby mammoth in a lab.

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Kostche2236d ago

i thought cloning was banned? or was that just for humans?


Three scientists win Nobel Prize in medicine for discovering genes that regulate the body’s clock

This year’s Nobel Prize in medicine has been awarded to three scientists who discovered the genes that control the circadian rhythm, or the body’s natural day-night cycle.

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