
It’s Happening: An AI Has Now Achieved Self Awareness

A robot has now passed a classic test used to determine whether a form of intelligence exhibits self awareness. The robot’s self awareness and ability to recognise its own speech could lead to some very helpful applications for humans, the roboticists say.

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SilentNegotiator3254d ago

It's not like that was ever out of the range of possibility. You just program the thing to "know" about itself and its reality.

Realistically, though, what is the potential gain next to the amount of work necessary to create and maintain a conscious computer? Sure, there are some interesting theoretical psychological applications, but beyond that, I'm not seeing it.

Adrian_v013254d ago

"You just program the thing to "know" about itself and its reality." Just program it? I don't think it's as easy as you picture it to be.

And, when robots become common, having a self aware robot is of more benefit. Imagine a sci/fi movie situation where someone programs a robot to kill and the robot refuses because "I wouldn't want to function myself, how can I end the life of another intelligence?"

amiga-man3254d ago

Self awareness is inevitable although to suggest it's as simple as Prgramming the thing is a little naive, one things for sure the consequences and moral dilemmes it creates will pose many difficult questions for us in the future.

SilentNegotiator3254d ago (Edited 3254d ago )

Like I said, there's a lot of work to it. I said "just" because this article makes it sound like a new concept. Adaptable AI is all about programming it to adapt.

dcbronco3254d ago

Silent self-aware means it figured out it's existence on it's own. Not because someone told it it exist. If you an AI has the ability to base it's existence on what it knows about other self-aware beings then it is self-aware.

sinspirit3254d ago

That isn't what self aware means. It means being smart enough to find the reality in its existence. SELF aware.

sonic9893254d ago (Edited 3254d ago )

useless in my opinion .
only sinister ideas can manifest through this, but we know the naive people will be thinking that our intelligent society ( just some dedicated weirdos with zero wisdom ) are working for our benefit LOL.
2 billion peoples living under 2 dollars per day, wars, drones and smart bombs and it will only get worse from here but hey who cares right.

Adrian_v013254d ago

Money is just a man made tool for transactions. Not the money is the problem, if everyone was a billionaire still the resources would be a problem. There's no way for 7 billion people to live comfortably. We're already massively overpopulated. At least 3 billion people are over the limit, it would be good if the number of humans would decrease.

WeedyOne3254d ago (Edited 3254d ago )

While i don't completely disagree with you I thought it was funny the way your comment reads, it almost sounds like something a self aware AI would say in a horror movie! So much emotionless logic!

Dark_king3254d ago

Please there is plenty of resources to support the population many times over.Were just not trying to.

sonic9893254d ago (Edited 3254d ago )

over populated lol .
people who live at the so called developed countries waste too much food and resources, not to mention the inefficient use of resources, unused lands and under utilized goods .
do you really think africa is poor because its not, its just waaay under utilized and to make matters worse the developed countries steal gold, diamonds and even uranium from them, and are keeping them under utilized so they stay at the top for what ever reason they have on their heads .
how do i know i have been there .
just a food for thought before i believe the trash i'm hearing from TV .
the word trust and TV do not match in my books and now i will add 90% of the internet to this logic.
anyway our current money as is worthless to say the least it doesnt hold any value except for the normal people like us .

Adrian_v013254d ago (Edited 3254d ago )


Thanks. Rational thinking is always the better option when it comes to the greater good. Emotions make you biased and are the cause of conflicts.


Africa is poor in term of necessary resources. The first of all being fresh drinking water. Without water agriculture fails as well. Also, Sub-Saharan Africa has had the biggest increase in population on a global scale. With that in mind the continent is overpopulated and can't sustain the number of people living there. The global resources are good for our current population, but the estimates go only as far as 2050. Resources needed aren't diamonds and uranium, but fresh water, crops, clean air, shelter, warmth, waste disposal, medical treatment and more.

Also, you can't just take humans in account, with the growth in human population we've seen deforestation, air pollution, global warming, increase in disease rates, other species going extinct, soil contamination. We are overpopulated, for we are many.

P.S. since this was about the uselessness of self aware robots, that's why each state has funds dedicated to science, education, health care, military, ecology etc. Science is never bad, instead of complaining about scientific breakthroughs people should complain about huge sums invested in military. It's more morally right.

sonic9893253d ago (Edited 3253d ago )

lol again
you just believe what you read i guess just add PHD and bam its trustworthy and it makes people sound smart quoting them isnt it .
do you call that cleverness or wisdom because those words are clearly not wise but indeed you have a good memory to memorize all that .
what made africa poor they have the best land to make food they have animals they have the longest river in the world and many others .
yet america is richer it doesnt make any sense at all africa has better unused resources did you know that if 1/4 of sudan was used for plants only the whole world could eat, yet you speak about our current corrupted statistics as if its true, its unreal and doesnt make any sense unless its controlled and by design .
the scientific community lol they cant answer most of my question and i can bet you that i am working on my masters and most of my questions are not answered whether by doctors or the internet in a convenient way because i dont accept anything less than a perfect answer and as i see science itself is directed toward a certain path and if you dont accept that path you are and an uneducated person .
back to africa i think i know who assigned those corrupted african leaders to keep their countries poor like that because when you have all these resources to be rich and make ( fake money like ours which is made of worthless paper and blind trust ) to make life easier for people i cant see how its so under utilized .
and please did you see the american debt not only because of your so called over population which is a bogus created by governments but from immigration and holding a standard of living the country cant maintain, it can collapse at any minute just looking at it amazes me yet greece is being asked to pay their debt ?!!??! .
in a world like this do you really think logic works honestly ?
NOTE : i am not from africa i am just a deep thinker .

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