
Game of Thrones Season Finale Breaks Piracy Records

The season finale of Game of Thrones has set a new piracy record, with 1.5 million downloads in eight hours, a number that will swell to over 10 million during the days to come. In addition, the episode is also broke the all-time record for the number of people sharing a single file at the same time.

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Lazyeye793272d ago

The problem is that this show is only offered for HBO subscribers. I'm not going to pay for HBO for only one show that I want to watch. If they provided more avenues to watch the show, it would probably help reduce piracy.

Yi-Long3271d ago

Why would you want to reduce piracy when it's been shown again and again and again that it actually increases popularity and revenue!? People all around the world watch GoT, because of piracy, after which word of mouth does the rest, and many of them also go out and buy the season-boxes.

AHall883271d ago

But, but, but, the movie and music industry are losing out on billions and billions of dollars!


micx3271d ago

Is HBO going to pursue them? What happened to that?

Stringerbell3271d ago

I remember reading a while ago that HBO was notorious for enforcing copyright claims for their content. But with GOT they had a more benign approach.

Anzil3271d ago

Not in Canada..... I can't afford cable and the limited HBO Canada is not worth it. Give me HBO Now and I'll buy it.......I love supporting good content just let me access it!

ZoyosJD3271d ago

Do you use a VPN? It's a pretty effective way to access pretty much any content.

Anzil3271d ago

I use a VPN but I don't understand......Doesn't an HBO sub need the same ip every time you log on? Can you pay for a VPN that has a permanent ip? Is a VPN diff than hola(the ip masker I use)?

ZoyosJD3270d ago

I don't personally use HBO Now, but I'm pretty sure they use an account system and don't expect their users to always be at the same IP, just a US one.

In fact many ISPs provide dynamic IP addresses anyway.

Yeah, hola is a VPN.

Ogygian3271d ago

I subscribe to the NOWTV streaming service in the UK, which shows Game of Thrones almost immediately after airing (we don't have HBO).

But the quality was so utterly awful (stuttering) that I had to watch using other methods.

Not all of those pirates haven't paid to see the show.

Stringerbell3271d ago

I can sympathize with certain French programing back in the day. Yeah it was available to watch but the quality was horrible through my cable provider, I had to use other methods to watch it.

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cell9891633d ago

I bet it comes with a nice dose of viruses

Kados1633d ago

TPB has never personally hosted viruses, and actively removes dishonest links on a daily basis. What makes you think they would suddenly start now? Just paranoid anti-p2p trash talking?

KingPin1633d ago

Cell989 free porn comes with its dose of viruses too

whats your point?