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Here’s What Scientists Learned In The Largest Systematic Study Of Email Habits

You probably get a lot of emails. Heck, maybe someone even sent you this article in an email. And you have likely developed a systematic approach to dealing with this digital avalanche that never seems to end. Even though email has been around for about two decades, researchers didn't have a good idea of how people were using it. For example, what is the average number of emails a person receives? Do people get overwhelmed by too much email? How long do threads go on?


Twitter CEO Elon Musk says 'bankruptcy isn't out of the question', bans remote working

Musk's first email to Twitter employees explains that the future will be rocky for the social media company

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Now subscription apps will be able to charge more: Apple

If you are one of them who are subscribing to a service using an App Store app, you are likely to want to look out for any emails or notifications it sends out.

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The worst email security threats of 2020

Many of the businesses still carry out their communications through email. While the number of email users globally is expected...

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