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Top cable lobbyist: ‘Customer service right now is completely unacceptable.’

Here's something you probably didn't expect the cable industry to admit: "Customer service right now is completely unacceptable."

That's some real talk from cable's biggest trade group, the National Cable and Telecommunications Association. Its leader, Michael Powell, is acknowledging the frustration many consumers feel when they look at their bills every month or call their providers for service.

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Stringerbell3410d ago

Hmm I wonder... What happens to people when they literally have no options but one for their internet and cable? It seems they get treated poorly! Because at the end of the day what choices do they have? These cable companies know this and thats why they are notorious for their poor treatment of their customers. Bring on the public grid!

annoyedgamer3408d ago

You do realize that the public system is a government managed monopoly right? It takes an already bad problem and makes it worse. Try reading the details of the plan before listening to these corporate ad government propaganda artists.

Kurylo3d3406d ago (Edited 3406d ago )

Is the government managed monopoly any worse then the corporate managed one? I say to hell with these cable companies. Google.. bring on fibre. Done with cable tv and cable internet.

Gondee3408d ago

This is like that moment when you feel your wife about to leave you, and desperately admit wrongs in an attempt to conjure sympathy and delay what she's about to say. LOL Fuck the cable companies.

annoyedgamer3408d ago

Oh don't worry with the fed takeover the big companies will be the only providers available. The little guys that give these corporate bullies trouble? Gone with the wind.

Stringerbell3408d ago (Edited 3408d ago )

What 'little guys' are you talking about? I've said this before on this site and I'll say it again. In the 90's my family had a mom and pop ISP they were bought out by one of the giant cable companies news flash they all were!

By allowing for a public grid we can see a reassurance in competition there is no dispute over this. Natural monopolies exist and unless you have Scrooge McDuck money no one and I mean no one is starting an ISP. The entry into the industry is far too high.

What model can the US and the world for that matter stand to emulate? How about South Korea?

From IDG Connect:

"In 1995, South Korea had only one internet user for every hundred citizens. In that year, though, their government initiated the Korean Information Infrastructure project—a 10-year program that started with laying internet infrastructure between government buildings and rolled out country-wide broadband by 1998. By the year 2000, South Korea had connected nearly 20 million of its 45 million citizens—more than Japan (pop. in 2000: 127 million) or France (62 million), and almost as many as China (1.25 billion).

*Today, thanks in large part to the government’s infrastructure and education initiatives, about 84% (94% of them on broadband) of South Korea’s population has internet access.* These lively markets, in turn, spark further innovation."

SonyWarrior3408d ago

@Phoceenatic Google has scrooge McDuck money they just moving slow but soon they will win out on the cable companys i mean free 15mbps internet thats unheard of

Newmanator3408d ago

Hulu and Netflix. 'Nuf said

Kurylo3d3406d ago (Edited 3406d ago )

exactly. Who wants to spend $80 a month on tv packed with more time spent watching commercials then actual shows... lol... vs $7 a month for netflix... watch an entire series in a day.

Cable companies are trying to pull some crap like the music companies tried to pull when mp3s came out. They need to change with the times.. or die like blockbuster video.

Yaay4me3408d ago (Edited 3408d ago )

Good riddance with cable companies, they have nickle and dimed us enough, bring on netflix, Vue, amazon, Hulu, etc...


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