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Google, Mattel Announce Reveal Event, Tease Possible New View-Master

VRFocus - For many virtual reality (VR) fans, the Oculus Rift head-mounted display (HMD) isn’t the first time they’ve sampled the technology. Fans of VRFocus’ ‘Losing My VRginity‘ series will recall a number of references to the ill-fated Virtuality machines of the 1990′s as fans’ first taste of what might be possible with the technology. Others will even go as far as to name the View-Master, a classic toy for viewing stereoscopic 3D images, as one of their first glimpses into the concept. Now the company behind the toy has announced a new reveal event that could possibly bring it back.


Curiscope Hosting Competition to Bring VR HMDs to Schools

Win View-Master units for your class.


The New View Master Reimagined With The Help Of Google Cardboard

he View Master has been giving generations of children a 3D experience for over 75 years and now with the help of Google, Mattel has reimagined their original design to move forward in our modern world. Since its creation in 1939 the view master has used reals to offer this experience but today with the Google Cardboard you will simply be able to use most smartphones.

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Stevefantisy3386d ago

I used to love the original as a kid and I think this is great way to keep it modern but at the same time still give you that nostalgic feel.

Jacktrauma3386d ago

LOL Sweet! I'll have to pick one up the kids :P

Stevefantisy3386d ago

If the price is right you can grab one for yourself too. ;-)

JoeIsMad3386d ago

It's so weird to read "Google Cardboard." It feels troll.

Stevefantisy3386d ago

I know exactly what you mean. I had to read it several times for it to sink in as a real thing.

Magnus7013386d ago

Now I must start a quest to find my original View Master from my childhood.


Google and Mattel Announce New Smartphone-Based View-Master VR HMD

VRFocus - Last week Mattel revealed an upcoming press conference in which it would announce a new project in partnership with Google. Taking place in New York City, USA, he event’s announcement heavily suggested that the toy maker was bringing back its popular View-Master product, possibly as a new virtual reality (VR) head-mounted display (HMD). Today it’s been confirmed to be exactly that, as Mattel has announced the new View-Master, utilising Google’s popular Cardboard smartphone-based HMD concept.